This weekend, I fully enjoyed the autumn season. On Saturday, I went on a trip to the Cheile Varghisului Nature Reserve in Covasna, and on Sunday, I strolled around the city near the Mitropolie and among the tall trees along Unirii Boulevard. I liked coordinating my outfit and makeup with the scenery, so I wore a draped brown-mahogany dress from bonprix and kept warm with some 100 den thermal-insulated tights and Punto di Roma pants that highlighted some curves I didn't even know I had :))
Weekendul acesta m-am bucurat din plin de toamna. Sambata am fost intr-o excursie prin rezervatia Cheile Varghisului, din Covasna, iar duminica m-am plimbat prin oras pe la Mitropolie si printre copacii mari de pe bulevardul Unirii. Mi-a placut sa imi asortez si tinuta si machiajul le peisaj, asa ca am purtat o rochie drapata bonprix de o culoare maro-mahagon, si m-am incalzit cu niste ciorapi termoizolanti 100 den si niste pantaloni Punto di Roma care mi-au scos in evidenta niste forme pe care nici nu stiam ca le am :))