If someone had asked me how often I would wear a white dress, I probably would have said rarely. However, this knitted dress from @bonprix has won me over, and I've taken it with me to many beautiful places I visited during weekends this month:
It was different during the trip to Rasnov, where I stopped on a hilltop and could walk without worrying about snow getting into my shoes or wetting my pants. The thermal pants and high, fur-lined winter boots are perfect for mountain excursions, so I can't wait for the next weekends on the slopes.
Daca m-ar fi intrebat cineva de cate ori as purta o rochie alba i-as fi zis ca probabil rar, dar rochita aceasta tricotata de la @bonprix m-a cucerit, si am plimbat-o cu mine luna aceasta pe la o multime de locuri frumoase in care am ajuns in weekenduri:
Altfel a fost si plimbarea la Rasnov, cand am oprit pe un varf de deal si am putut sa ma plimb fara grija ca imi va intra zapada in incaltaminte, sau ca imi voi uda pantalonii. Pantalonii termo si cizmele de iarna inalte si imblanite sunt perfecte pentru excursiile la munte, asa ca abia astept urmatoarele weekenduri pe partie.
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