This blog enters a new era with a brand new name: Full Aesthetics.
The name "Full Aesthetics" derives from complete beauty or beauty in abundance. 🙂
The main change is that the blog and posts will now be bilingual, in both Romanian and English, to reach a wider audience.
Thank you for being part of this journey so far and I encourage you to continue following what's new on this blog.
With love,
Ela - Full Aesthetics 💖
Iar numele Full Aesthetics vine de la frumusete cuprinzatoare, sau de la plin de frumusete. 🙂
Ce se mai schimba este ca blogul si postarile vor fi de acum bilingve, atat in romana cat si engleza, pentru a ajunge la o audienta cat mai mare.
De aceea vreau sa va multumesc ca ati fost alaturi de Haine Grasute, si sa va invit sa urmariti in continuare ideile de tinute de aici.
Cu drag,
Ela - Full Aesthetics 💖
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