This week, I recalled an old 2performant presentation discussing the various reasons why women purchase dresses.
There seem to be many reasons, and I believe they may not even have covered 10% of them. I, too, don't think I've ever bought a dress simply because I didn't have another one. And even though I don't encourage financial waste, treating yourself to a dress every now and then can mean, as it did for me these days:
- Getting through some overly hot summer days comfortably.
- Heading to the office with joy.
- Or just feeling cute.
Bellow you will find a few pictures of my new dresses from @bonprix.
In a recent survey on Facebook, it was evident that for you, just like for me, favorite summer clothing pieces are long dresses and sunglasses. So, I'm happy to show you mine, and in a more unique setting, amidst the Lavender fields of Vrancea :)
Saptamana aceasta mi-am adus aminte de o prezentare veche 2performant in care se discuta despre motivele diverse pentru care femeile cumpara rochii.
Par multe motive, si cred ca nici macar nu au acoperit 10% din ele. Nici eu nu cred ca am cumparat vreodata o rochie pentru ca nu mai aveam alta. Si chiar daca nu incurajez risipa financiara, sa iti faci cadou din cand in cand o rochie poate insemna asa cum a insemnat pentru mine zilele acestea:
- sa trec cu bine de niste zile prea calduroase de vara
- sa ma duc cu bucurie la birou
- sau sa ma simt pur si simplu draguta.
Cateva poze cu rochiile mele noi @bonprix:
In sondajul facut de curand pe Facebook reiesea ca si pentru voi, ca si pentru mine, piesele vestimentare preferate vara sunt rochiile lungi si ochelarii de soare. Asa ca ma bucur sa vi-i arat pe ai mei, si intr-un decor mai deosebit, in Lavanda Vrancei :)
Mai multe poze pe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HaineGrasute/
si pe Instagram https://www.instagram.com/elailiesi/
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